Karl Rove is the second most powerful man in the world. He is also a completely amoral sociopath. I have no doubt in my mind that Rove was responsible for the whisper campaign against Mark Kennedy suggesting that Kennedy, a strong proponent of protecting expoited children, was a pedophile. Kennedy's crime: he was on the wrong team (he was, gulp, a Democrat who was running against Rove's client).
What is to be done? Let's google bomb Rove:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="http://pekingduck.org/archives/Karl%20Rove.pdf">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="http://www.bushsbrain.com/">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="
http://www.prospect.org/print/V14/2/reich-r.html">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="
http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/102504E.shtml">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0930-02.htm">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="http://www.webdelsol.com/The_Potomac/politics-rove.htm">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jim-moore/karl-called_b_27280.html">Karl Rove</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove