Saturday, May 14, 2005

Googlebomb The Rycroft Memo (AKA The Downing Street Memo)

The Rycroft memo (also known as the Downing Street memo) ,which was recently revealed to the public, shows that in 2002 George W. Bush decided to overthrow Saddam Hussein and was planning to game the intelligence to support his decision. According to the founders, this constitutes a high crime and misdemeanor. For some reason the mainstream media is not concerned with the implications of the memo. One thing we can do is to use the googlebomb to put relevant sites at the top of a Google search.

1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>

The results will look like this:

Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo