Googlebomb Joel Arends and the Phony Veterans for a Strong America
Joel Arends, a notorious right-wing operative (e.g., he was South Dakota assisant director of the Koch Brother's Americans for Prosperity), has created an ostentively nonpartisan front group, Veterans for a Strong America, that are the 2012 version of the Swift Boat liars. Arends and VFSA have a disgustingly deceptive commerical that darkens President Obama's skin.
Let's give web searchers accurate information about Arends and his phoney front group:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href=" ">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Joel Arends</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href=" ">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
<a href="">Veterans for a Strong America</a>
The Results will look like this:
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Joel Arends
Veterans for a Strong America
Veterans for a Strong America
Veterans for a Strong America
Veterans for a Strong America
Veterans for a Strong America
Veterans for a Strong America
Veterans for a Strong America
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Friday, November 06, 2009
Googlebomb Glenn Beck

1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
<a href="">Glenn Beck</a>
The results will look like this:
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
The Googlebomb Blog is Back!
Back in 2003, I discovered the power of Googlebombs. In 2005, I created the Google bomb Project Blog. The blog has been very effective in increasing the visibility of negative but truthful web sites to people who do keyword searches of prominent right-wing personalities and ideas. However, in the fall of 2006, other progressive bloggers such as Chris Bowers of MyDD seized upon my idea and publicized the idea of g-bombing GOP congressional candidates (BTW, they failed to give me any credit for coming up with idea). This concerned me because g-bombs are most effective when they occur under the radar (articles in Slate and The New York Times were not helpful). Also, these progressive bloggers didn't know the nuances of g-bombing and their actions threatened to majorly fuck things up with Google (since the publicized attempted to manipulate ranking, Google has changed its indexing to attempt to thwart this manipulation).
I laid low and the blog has been dormant for the past three years. However, I have decided to revamp the blog. The latest target: Glenn Beck.
I laid low and the blog has been dormant for the past three years. However, I have decided to revamp the blog. The latest target: Glenn Beck.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Google Bomb Bob Corker
Scandal-plagued Senate candidate Bob Corker is in a tight race with Harold Ford in Tennessee. Let's inform internet searcher about this guy.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Bob Corker</a>
<a href=",1426,MCA_1496_5057186,00.html">Bob Corker</a>
<a href="">Bob Corker</a>
<a href=",1426,MCA_1496_5001493,00.html">Bob Corker</a>
The results will look like this:
Bob Corker
Bob Corker
Bob Corker
Bob Corker
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Bob Corker</a>
<a href=",1426,MCA_1496_5057186,00.html">Bob Corker</a>
<a href="">Bob Corker</a>
<a href=",1426,MCA_1496_5001493,00.html">Bob Corker</a>
The results will look like this:
Bob Corker
Bob Corker
Bob Corker
Bob Corker
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Google Bomb The Path to 9/11
ABC is planning to air a fraudulent docudrama titled, The Path to 9/11 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. If you want the details of the fraudulent film, then read the links below. One quick note, it hardly surprized me that Cyrus Nowrasteh, the writer/producer of the film, gave an interview with Front Page Magazine--which is run by self-admitted traitor David Horowitz.
UPDATE: This Google bomb worked big-time!
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
The results will look like this:
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
UPDATE: This Google bomb worked big-time!
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
<a href="">The Path to 9/11</a>
The results will look like this:
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11
Friday, August 25, 2006
Google Bomb L. Brent Bozell and The Media Research Center
L. Brent Bozell is one of the most noxious figures on the American political scene. I wrote a post about him on my main blog.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
The results will look like this:
L. Brent Bozell>
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">L. Brent Bozell</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
<a href="">Media Research Center</a>
The results will look like this:
L. Brent Bozell>
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
L. Brent Bozell
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Media Research Center
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Google Bomb Tom DeLay
Robert Greenwald's film The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress was just released and a good well to celebrate it is to google bomb DeLay.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">U.S. Congress</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
The results will look like this:
Tom DeLay
U.S. Congress
Tom DeLay
Tom DeLay
Tom DeLay
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">U.S. Congress</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
The results will look like this:
Tom DeLay
U.S. Congress
Tom DeLay
Tom DeLay
Tom DeLay
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Google Bomb John Gibson of Fox News
It just wasn't bad enough that Gibson, a Fox News operative, was one of the voices declaring (falsely) that there's a war (by liberals) against Christmas, but more recently he made the following statement:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson </a>
<a href="">John Gibson </a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson </a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
The results will look like this:
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
"To put it bluntly, we need more babies. Forget about that zero population growth stuff that my poor generation was misled on. Why is this important? Because civilizations need population to survive. So far, we are doing our part here in America but Hispanics can't carry the whole load. The rest of you, get busy. Make babies, or put another way--a slogan for our times: "procreation not recreation." That's "My Word.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson </a>
<a href="">John Gibson </a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson </a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
<a href="">John Gibson</a>
The results will look like this:
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
John Gibson
Sunday, May 07, 2006
New Google Bomb Target: Deborah Howell of the Washington Post
Deborah Howell, who as ombudsman at The Washington Post, has the job of dealing with complaints made about the reporting in the newspaper. Earlier in the year, she created controversy by essentially repeating a false GOP talking point: she claimed that disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff "had made substantial campaign contributions to both major parties." Later Howell repeated that Abramoff had directed his clients to donate to both parties (against all evidence), but this time referred to her original statement as a mistake and agreed that the Abramoff scandal is "not a bipartisan scandal; it's a Republican scandal."
That just doesn't cut. Let's g-bomb the skank:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Deborah Howell </a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
The results will look like this:
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
That just doesn't cut. Let's g-bomb the skank:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Deborah Howell </a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
<a href="">Deborah Howell</a>
The results will look like this:
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Deborah Howell
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Google Bomb Brit Hume
Brit Hume is one of the snarkiest of the snarky at alleged journalistic outlet Fox News. He hosts Special Report and is a regular member of the roundtable on Fox News Sunday where he seamlessly weaves GOP talking points into the conversation. Seth Ackerman referred to Hume's "Political Grapevine" segment on Special Report as "a kind of right-wing hot-sheet" in which "[a]lmost every item carries an unmistakable partisan message: Democrats, environmentalists and Hollywood liberals are the perennial villains (or the butts of the joke), while Republicans are shown either as targets of unfair attacks or heroes who can do no wrong."
Let's smoke Hume's ass with a Google bomb: Brit Hume
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
The results will look like this:
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Let's smoke Hume's ass with a Google bomb: Brit Hume
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
<a href="">Brit Hume</a>
The results will look like this:
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Brit Hume
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Google Bomb Amway/Quixtar
1/07 UPDATE: Welcome to those of you who got here through the links on the Google Bomb Wikipedia page and on the post on the official Quixtar blog. I am Scoobie Davis of the blog Scoobie Davis Online and I set up the anti-Amway/Quixtar Google bomb (which, by the way, has been a huge success). On the Wikipedia page, it originally claimed that my rationale for the Google bomb was that Amway/Quixtar/Alticor is a major funder of the GOP. While this is true, it is an incomplete explanation for the g-bomb. Let me state for the record that there are overarching reasons for the g-bomb: Amway/Quixtar financially exploits people and has most of the earmarks of a mind control cult. In addition, many of the kingpin distributors teach a worldview that is marked by hate, fear and reaction. Don't believe me, listen to the words of top Amway distributor Dexter Yager. Another top distributor, Bill Britt, told distributors that "women being in submission to man, to her husband" is what God's Word [says].
Accordingly, I set up the Google bomb to counter Amway propaganda and to let prospective Amway distributors know what they're getting involved with. If you're thinking about being a part of Amway or are new to Amway, don't believe a word I write. However, don't believe a word that your upline tells you either. Demand answers from your upline. Here are just a few questions to ask.
Original Post:As I have pointed out on my main blog, Amway/Quixtar is a huge operation that is also a de facto ATM machine for the Republican Party. By google bombing Amway/Quixtar, we can not only keep unwitting people from being scammed but we can defund the right (the fewer people who become part of the Scamway machine, the less money Amway can give to the GOP). Let’s google bomb them:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
The results will look like this:
12/06 UPDATE: Thanks to the person who included this link on the Wikipedia entry on Quixtar.
Accordingly, I set up the Google bomb to counter Amway propaganda and to let prospective Amway distributors know what they're getting involved with. If you're thinking about being a part of Amway or are new to Amway, don't believe a word I write. However, don't believe a word that your upline tells you either. Demand answers from your upline. Here are just a few questions to ask.
Original Post:As I have pointed out on my main blog, Amway/Quixtar is a huge operation that is also a de facto ATM machine for the Republican Party. By google bombing Amway/Quixtar, we can not only keep unwitting people from being scammed but we can defund the right (the fewer people who become part of the Scamway machine, the less money Amway can give to the GOP). Let’s google bomb them:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Amway</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
<a href="">Quixtar</a>
The results will look like this:
12/06 UPDATE: Thanks to the person who included this link on the Wikipedia entry on Quixtar.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Karma and the Google Bomb
It seems that DeLay was doing a bit of projection yesterday when he referred to Ronnie Earle, the prosecutor who indicted him, as an "unabashed partisan zealot." Let's us the power of the Google bomb to bite DeLay in the ass.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">unabashed partisan zealot</a>
The result will look like this:
unabashed partisan zealot
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">unabashed partisan zealot</a>
The result will look like this:
unabashed partisan zealot
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Google Bomb the Republican Surrogate Channel
Read about it here.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">republican surrogate</a>
The results will look like this:
republican surrogate
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">republican surrogate</a>
The results will look like this:
republican surrogate
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Googlebomb The Rycroft Memo (AKA The Downing Street Memo)
The Rycroft memo (also known as the Downing Street memo) ,which was recently revealed to the public, shows that in 2002 George W. Bush decided to overthrow Saddam Hussein and was planning to game the intelligence to support his decision. According to the founders, this constitutes a high crime and misdemeanor. For some reason the mainstream media is not concerned with the implications of the memo. One thing we can do is to use the googlebomb to put relevant sites at the top of a Google search.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
The results will look like this:
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Downing Street Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
<a href="">Rycroft Memo</a>
The results will look like this:
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Downing Street Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Rycroft Memo
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Googlebomb Michelle Malkin
10/26/06 UPDATE: Hi to all of you who were reading the post on Michelle Malkin's website that linked here and wanted to know about my Google Bomb of her name. I did it for one reason: Malkin is a lying sack of crap. Scroll down and click on the sites that have her name and you will read informative sites about her. Since I did this Google bomb, blogger David Neiwert debunked false claims in Malkin's book Unhinged. It's a great read. Also, read my main site for informative post on the radical right (check out the sidebar on my main site for transcripts of hilarious conversations I had with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and other wing-nuts). In addition, click here to read an informative article about Malkin on my main blog.
The original post on Google bombing Malkin: The other day, I googled Michelle Malkin's name and discovered that there were few critical sites that popped up. Let's change this:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href=" ">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
The results will look like this:
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
UPDATE: Here's a screen image from American Politics Journal:
The original post on Google bombing Malkin: The other day, I googled Michelle Malkin's name and discovered that there were few critical sites that popped up. Let's change this:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href=" ">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
<a href="">Michelle Malkin</a>
The results will look like this:
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
UPDATE: Here's a screen image from American Politics Journal:

Friday, March 18, 2005
Googlebomb Ann Coulter
From Le Googlebomb:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
The results will look like this:
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Ann Coulter</a>
The results will look like this:
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Googlebomb Sean Hannity
The blog A La Gauche has created a Googlebomb for Sean Hannity.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
2. The results will look like this:
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
<a href="">Sean Hannity</a><br>
2. The results will look like this:
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Googlebomb Fox News (Faux News)
The Fox News Channel, run by two-bit operative Roger Ailes, is a political operation disguised as a legitimate journalistic outlet. Let's expose Ailes and his toadies. Here's all you need to do:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href=" ">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href=" ">Fox News</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href=" ">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href="">Fox News</a>
<a href=" ">Fox News</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Fox News
Monday, February 21, 2005
A Message from Scoobie Davis
To all of those people got to this site from Joseph Farah's column, I wish to extend you a warm welcome. I noticed on my Sitemeter stats that a lot of you are from Europe and the Middle East. Check out my main web site (including this update on googlebombing). Also, feel free to write me at with your comments and questions.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Googlebomb Karl Rove
Karl Rove is the second most powerful man in the world. He is also a completely amoral sociopath. I have no doubt in my mind that Rove was responsible for the whisper campaign against Mark Kennedy suggesting that Kennedy, a strong proponent of protecting expoited children, was a pedophile. Kennedy's crime: he was on the wrong team (he was, gulp, a Democrat who was running against Rove's client).
What is to be done? Let's google bomb Rove:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
What is to be done? Let's google bomb Rove:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
<a href="">Karl Rove</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Karl Rove
Friday, January 28, 2005
Googlebomb Christopher Ruddy and NewsMax
Christopher Ruddy is one of the most prominent (and noxious) of the Scaife-funded political operatives. Let's Googlebomb him. Here's what to do:
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">Christopher Ruddy</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
<a href="">NewsMax</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Christopher Ruddy
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Googlebomb Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce is one of the most insidious and treacherous people I have come across in recent years; it's no surprise that she has been embraced by the American right. Let's do what we can to expose her to web surfers.
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
<a href="">Tammy Bruce</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Tammy Bruce
Thursday, January 06, 2005
The First Googlebomb
UPDATE: When I read that Joseph Farah accused googlebombing opponents of anti-Semitism, I didn't know what he was writing about. Apparently, when I originally linked a grouping of anti-Farah articles, somehow, a link by some guy who is as much of a conspiracy nut as Farah was inadvertently included. That link was removed. Probable explanation: in the process of cutting and pasting links, it got through accidentally.
Original Edited Post: A good target for a Googlebomb is WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah. Here's what to do:
1. Copy and paste the following onto your web site or newsgroup bulletin board:
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Original Edited Post: A good target for a Googlebomb is WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah. Here's what to do:
1. Copy and paste the following onto your web site or newsgroup bulletin board:
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
<a href="">Joseph Farah</a>
2. The results will look like this:
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
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